
Seamless Searching of Numeric and Textual Resources
Principal Investigator:
Michael Buckland |
Fred Gey, Ray Larson |

three year project aims to demonstrate improved access to written material
and numerical data on the same topic when searching two very different
kinds of databases (books, articles, and their bibliographic records)
and numerical data (socio-economic databases).

The IMLS project builds directly on the Search Support for Unfamiliar
Metadata Vocabularies funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects

Both projects are part of the Metadata Research Program's studies of information
selection techniques: bibliography, filtering, retrieval, and especially
adaptive searching using multiple computers and multiple sources in a
networked environment.
Final Report
Russian translation of final report courtesy of MWMA Translations, 2020
Ukrainian translation of final report courtesy of MWMA Translations, 2020
Summary article:
Michael Buckland, Aitao Chen, Fredric C. Gey, and Ray R. Larson.
Search across Different Media: Numeric Data Sets and Text Files.
Information Technology and Libraries 25, No. 4, (December 2006): 181-189.