Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative, University
of California, Berkeley.
Editorial Practices and the Web
Related Publications
editorsnotes.org is an open-source, web-based
tool for recording, organizing, preserving, and opening access to research notes,
built with the needs of documentary editing projects, archives, and library special
collections in mind.
Michael Buckland. From scholars’ notes to new forms of scholarly communication. Friday Afternoon Seminar, Berkeley, Sept 23, 2016.
Michael Buckland, Patrick Golden and Ryan Shaw. Editors' Notes as a
Genre: editorsnotes.org. [Poster]. Joint Conference of the Society for Textual
Scholarship and the Association for Documentary Editing, University of
Nebraska-Lincoln, June 17-20, 2015.
Michael McNeil. Records in the California State Archives for the Study of
Labor History: A Reference Guide. Sacramento,CA: California State
Archives, 2015. pdf.
A research guide to archival resources compiled from
notes made in collaboration with the Editorial Practices and
the Web project and using the
editorsnotes.org website.
Ryan Shaw, Patrick Golden & Michael Buckland. Using linked library data in working
research notes. In: Linked Data and User Interaction. Ed. by H. F. Cervone,
A. Kavcic-Colic, Alenka, L. Svensson. Berlin: De Gruyter Saur, 2015,
pp 48-65.
IFLA Publications 162. ISBN 9783110316926. pdf.
Michael Buckland, Patrick Golden and Ryan Shaw. Open Access to
Working Notes in the Humanities.
International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym 2015),
August 20, 2015, San Francisco, CA. Text.
Slides (pdf).
Ryan Shaw. Openly documenting Korea's Texts. Korean Studies Technologies 2013
Workshop, Seoul, Korea.
Ryan Shaw. Editors Notes for the Maritime Buddhism Project. International
Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2014, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan,
23-28 March 2014.
Michael Buckland, Barry Pateman, Patrick Golden and Ryan Shaw.
Scholarly Editing and the Web. Indiana University, Bloomington,
Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics, March 28, 2014.
Michael Buckland, Barry Pateman, Patrick Golden and Ryan Shaw.
Saving working notes for future use. In: Archiving2014, May 13-16, 2014,
Berlin, Germany. Springfield, VA: Society for Imaging Science and Technology, 2014. Pp 192-195.
Michael Buckland. Knowledge organization and the technology of intellectual work.
In: Knowledge Organization in the 21st Century: between Historical Patterns and
Future Prospects. Proceedings of the thirteen internation ISKO Conference 19-22
May 2014, Kraków, Poland. Ed. by W. Babik. Würzburg: Ergon-Verlag, 2014.
Pp 14-21. pdf.
Patrick Golden, Ryan Shaw & Michael Buckland. Decentralized coordination of controlled
vocabularies. Poster presentation, Association for Information Science and Technology
Annual Meeting, Seattle, Nov 3, 2014.
Wiley Online Library.
Michael Buckland. Editors' Notes: A case-study in changed mediation. Fourth "Digital
Document and Society" conference, Zagreb, Croatia, April 29-30, 2013.
In: : La médiation numérique : renouvellement et diversification des pratiques: Actes du colloque "Document numérique et société", Zagreb, 2013. [Ed. by] Joumana Boustany, Evelyne Broudoux, Ghislaine Chartron. Brussels : De Boeck, 2014.: (Preprint).
Michael Buckland & Ryan Shaw. Taking scholarly notes to the Web.
Coalition for Networked Information Spring Meeting, San Antonio, April 4, 2013. Abstract.
Michael Buckland, Patrick Golden and Andrew Hyslop. Working notes as an archival challenge.
California Society of Archivists Annual Meeting, Berkeley, CA, April 13, 2013. (pdf).
Michael Buckland and Patrick Golden. Project update. Friday Afternoon Seminar on
Information Access, School of Information, University of California, Berkeley, April
19, 2013.
Michael Buckland. Editors' Notes: A case-study in changed mediation. Fourth "Digital
Document and Society" conference, Zagreb, Croatia, April 29-30, 2013.
In: : La médiation numérique : renouvellement et diversification des pratiques: Actes du colloque "Document numérique et société", Zagreb, 2013. [Ed. by] Joumana Boustany, Evelyne Broudoux, Ghislaine Chartron. Brussels : De Boeck, 2014.: (Preprint).
Final Narrative Report. First Phase, 2010-2013. July 9, 2013. (pdf).
Ryan Shaw, Michael Buckland, Patrick Golden. Open notebook Humanities:
Promise and problems. Digital Humanities 2013,
Lincoln, Nebraska, July 16-19, 2013.
Van Zundert, J.J., R Shaw, and others. Text theory, digital document, and the practice of
digital editions. Digital Humanities 2013. Pane;l discussion, July 18, 2013. Abstract.
Shaw, R., Golden, P., and Buckland, M. 2013. Using linked library data
in working research notes. Workshop on user interaction built on
library linked data (UILLD). Pre-conference to the 79th World Library
and Information Conference (Singapore). Aug 16, 2013.
Shaw, R. and Golden, P. 2013. Taking entity reconciliation offline. In
Proc.of the 76th ASIS&T Annual Meeting (Montreal). (pdf).
Michael Buckland. Cultural heritage, memory institutions, and technology. Lecture
at the Second Conference on Technology, Culture, and Memory, Recife, Brazil, Nov 12, 2013.
Ryan Shaw. Linked Data for Working Notes on
Chronology.. Pacific Neighborhood Consortium Annual Conference and Joint Meetings,
Kyoto, Japan, Dec 9, 2013.
Kimberly Hii. Been there, done that: Preserving researchers' working notes with linked open
data. Carolina Scientific 6, issue 1 (Fall 2013): 40-41. [Link].
Patrick Golden. Editorial practices and the Web. Friday Afternoon Seminar,
Berkeley, 3 Feb 2012.
Michael Buckland. Benefitting from the Work of Others. Plenary presentation,
Taiwan E-learning and Digital Archives Program ("teldap") conference, Taipei, Taiwan, Feb 22, 2012.
Michael Buckland and Patrick Golden. Editors' Notes: A Case-study of Collaboration and
Convergence in the Humanities. Taiwan E-learning and Digital Archives Program ("teldap")
conference, Taipei, Feb. 24, 2012.
Michael Buckland, Patrick Golden, Ann Gordon, Cathy Moran Hajo, Barry Pateman, and Ryan Shaw.
Editorial Practices and the Web. Association for Documentary Editing Annual Meeting,
Charlottesville, VA., Aug. 10, 2012
Ryan Shaw, Patrick Golden, and Michael Buckland. Integrating Collaborative Bibliography
and Research. Text for poster, American Society for Information Science and Technology
Annual Meeting, Baltimore, October 2012.
Patrick Golden & Michael Buckland. Using the Web to change editorial research practice.
Pacific Neighborhood Consortium & Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative Joint Meeting,
Berkeley, Dec 7, 2012.
Ryan Shaw & Michael Buckland. Editorial control over linked data. Text for poster
presentation at the American Society for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting,
New Orleans, Oct 10, 2011. Preprint
Scholarly Editing Practices and the Web.. 2 page flyer for the Association for
Documentary Editing Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Oct 20-22, 2011.
Ryan Shaw.
Editorial Practices and the Web, Friday Afternoon Seminar, November 19, 2010.